Top Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools for Smart Shoppers in 2024

Savvy shoppers know that Amazon is a treasure trove of deals, but sifting through millions of products to find the hidden gems can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there are a plethora of free tools available to help you become a pro at Amazon product hunting.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best free amazon product hunting tools you can use in 2024 to find amazing deals, discover profitable niches, and make informed purchasing decisions.

free amazon product hunting tools

1. Keepa ( Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools):

This powerful free amazon product hunting tools tracks historical price data for millions of Amazon products. See price trends, identify flash sales, and set price alerts to be notified when your desired item dips below a certain threshold. Keepa’s free plan offers basic features, while the paid version unlocks advanced functionalities like profit calculators and sales rank tracking.


  • Price history charts: Visualize the price history of any Amazon product over the past months or even years. This helps you identify trends, spot price drops, and make informed purchasing decisions
Keepa price history chart

Price drop alerts: Set up alerts to be notified via email or push notification when the price of a product you’re interested in falls below a certain threshold. Never miss out on a good deal again!

Keepa price drop alert
  • Daily deals: Discover the best bargains with Keepa’s daily deals, featuring products with the highest price drops in your favorite categories.
  • International Amazon price comparison: Compare prices across all Amazon locales to find the most competitive offers.
  • Browser extension: Install the Keepa browser extension to access price history and set up alerts directly on Amazon product pages.
  • Amazon FBA calculation: Estimate potential profits for selling products on Amazon by factoring in FBA fees.


  • Save money: Find the best deals on Amazon products by tracking price history and setting up price drop alerts.
  • Make informed purchasing decisions: Understand price trends and avoid impulse purchases by seeing how prices have fluctuated over time.
  • Discover profitable products: Identify products with high sales potential and low competition using Keepa’s data and insights.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Track upcoming sales and promotions with Keepa’s deal alerts.


Keepa offers a free plan with basic features, such as price history charts and limited price alerts. The paid plans unlock advanced features like profit calculators, sales rank tracking, and historical product data exports.

Who should use Keepa:

Keepa is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to save money on Amazon purchases. It’s especially helpful for:

  • Deal hunters: Find the best deals on everyday items and gadgets.
  • Amazon shoppers: Make informed purchasing decisions and avoid overpaying for products.
  • Resellers: Identify profitable products to sell on Amazon.
  • Arbitrageurs: Find products that can be bought cheaper elsewhere and sold on Amazon for a profit.

Overall, Keepa is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you save money, make informed purchasing decisions, and discover profitable products on Amazon. Whether you’re a casual shopper or a seasoned reseller, Keepa is worth checking out.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of Keepa and how it can benefit you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools

2. CamelCamelCamel ( Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools):

Similar to Keepa, CamelCamelCamel free amazon product hunting tools provides historical price charts and price alerts. It also boasts a user-friendly interface and a helpful community forum where you can discuss deals and product insights with other savvy shoppers.

What it does:

  • Tracks historical price data: Like Keepa, CCC monitors and charts price changes for millions of Amazon products, showcasing price trends over time.
  • Offers price alerts: Get notified via email or push notifications when the price of your desired item dips below your set threshold.
  • Features a user-friendly interface: CCC’s interface is known for its intuitive layout and clear visuals, making it easy to navigate even for tech-shy users.
  • Boasts a helpful community forum: Connect with other deal hunters and share insights, product tips, and even hot deals within the CCC community forum.
  • Provides additional features: Explore Amazon seller ratings, product reviews, and price comparisons across different vendors.


  • Visualize price trends: CCC’s interactive price charts make it easy to spot seasonal sales, flash deals, and overall price fluctuations, helping you predict optimal buying times.
  • Never miss a deal: Set up price alerts and get notified instantly when the price drops on your wishlist items. Say goodbye to buyer’s remorse!
  • Get community support: The active CCC forum is a valuable resource for product recommendations, deal discussions, and tips from experienced shoppers.
  • Make informed choices: Utilize additional data like seller ratings and reviews to ensure you’re buying from reliable vendors and getting the best value for your money.


Like Keepa, CCC offers a free amazon product hunting tools plan with basic features. Paid plans unlock additional functionalities like price drop alerts for multiple items, price history exports, and access to historical Amazon seller data.

Who should use CamelCamelCamel:

CCC is a perfect fit for:

  • Visual learners: Those who appreciate the easy-to-understand price charts and intuitive interface.
  • Community-oriented shoppers: Individuals who benefit from the knowledge and support of the active CCC forum.
  • Deal hunters on a budget: Users who can make the most of the free plan’s functionalities.

Overall, CamelCamelCamel stands apart with its user-friendly design, active community, and additional data points. Whether you’re a seasoned deal hunter or simply looking for a better way to shop on Amazon, CCC is definitely worth checking out.

Ready to unleash your inner deal-hunting champion? Give both Keepa and CamelCamelCamel a try and see which one suits your style and budget best!

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about CCC or Amazon product hunting in general.

3. Jungle Scout (Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools):

Jungle Scout offers a treasure trove of data for aspiring Amazon sellers. While these free amazon product hunting tools and their core features require a paid subscription, their free Chrome extension provides valuable insights into product rankings, estimated sales, and potential profits. Use it to quickly gauge the potential of a product before investing your time and effort.

What it does:

  • Provides comprehensive product research: Analyze sales data, estimated profits, product trends, and seller competition for millions of Amazon products.
  • Identifies profitable niches: Discover untapped markets with high demand and low competition, helping you find the right products to sell.
  • Tracks keyword performance: Research relevant keywords, analyze search volume and competition, and optimize your product listings for maximum visibility.
  • Offers supplier sourcing tools: Find reliable suppliers and manufacturers for your products, both domestically and internationally.
  • Manages your Amazon FBA business: Track inventory, calculate fees, and automate tasks to streamline your Amazon selling process (paid plans only).


  • Chrome extension: Get instant product insights directly on Amazon product pages with the free Jungle Scout extension.
  • Web app: Dig deeper into data and analytics with the comprehensive Jungle Scout web platform.
  • Jungle Scout Academy: Access educational resources, tutorials, and training courses to become a pro Amazon seller.


  • Uncover hidden opportunities: Go beyond individual product deals and discover profitable niches with long-term potential.
  • Make informed product choices: Base your decisions on data-driven insights, reducing the risk of choosing the wrong products.
  • Optimize your listings: Improve your product visibility and increase sales by targeting the right keywords and understanding how customers search.
  • Streamline your FBA business: Save time and effort by automating tasks and managing your inventory effectively (paid plans only).


Jungle Scout offers several subscription plans, starting with the free Chrome extension that provides basic product insights. Paid plans unlock advanced features like sales estimates, niche finder, keyword research tools, and FBA management functionalities.

Who should use Jungle Scout:

Jungle Scout is ideal for:

  • Aspiring Amazon sellers: Learn the ropes of the Amazon marketplace and find profitable products to sell.
  • Established sellers: Gain deeper insights into your existing business, optimize your product offerings, and identify new growth opportunities.
  • Private label sellers: Source products effectively, calculate profit margins, and manage your inventory with ease.

Overall, Jungle Scout is a powerful tool for anyone serious about selling on Amazon. Its free amazon product hunting tools, comprehensive data, research tools, and educational resources empower you to navigate the Amazon jungle with confidence and find the hidden treasures of profitable niches and successful product choices.

Remember, while the Chrome extension is free, unlocking the full potential of Jungle Scout requires a paid subscription. Evaluate your needs and budget to determine which plan best suits your goals.

Do you have any specific questions about Jungle Scout or free amazon product hunting tools or selling on Amazon? I’m happy to help you explore the exciting world of e-commerce further!

4. AMZScout ( Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools):

Another free amazon product hunting tools popular Chrome extension, AMZScout, helps you identify profitable product niches by analyzing search volume, competition, and estimated product costs. Use it to brainstorm product ideas, validate your niche selection, and discover hidden opportunities on Amazon.

What it does:

  • Unveils profitable niches: Analyze search volume, competition, and estimated product costs to identify promising niche markets with high sales potential from free amazon product hunting tools.
  • Identifies winning products: Discover individual products within your chosen niche that have high sales velocity, low competition, and favorable profit margins from free amazon product hunting tools.
  • Provides competitor analysis: Understand your competition’s strengths and weaknesses, analyze their listings, and develop strategies to stand out .
  • Offers supplier sourcing tools: Find reliable suppliers and manufacturers for your chosen products, both domestically and internationally.
  • Tracks product trends: Stay ahead of the curve by identifying trending products and adjusting your strategies accordingly (paid plans only).


  • Chrome extension: Get instant product insights directly on Amazon product pages with the free AMZScout extension.
  • Web app: Dig deeper into data and analytics with the comprehensive AMZScout web platform.
  • AMZScout PRO Extension: Unlocks advanced features like niche score ratings, product score, supplier options, and detailed listing analysis.
  • AMZScout Seller’s Courses: Learn the ropes of selling on Amazon with informative courses and actionable insights.


  • Save time and effort: Forget hours of manual research, let AMZScout identify the low-hanging fruit with its data-driven approach.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Base your product and niche choices on accurate insights, reducing the risk of choosing the wrong options.
  • Gain a competitive edge: Understand your competition, learn from their strengths, and optimize your own listings for success.
  • Source products efficiently: Find reliable suppliers and avoid supply chain challenges.
  • Stay on top of trends: Adapt your strategies to evolving markets and capitalize on hot new products (paid plans only).


Like Jungle Scout, AMZScout offers a free Chrome extension with basic features. Paid plans unlock advanced functionalities like the PRO extension, web app access, and seller’s courses.

Who should use AMZScout:

AMZScout is ideal for:

  • Amazon sellers at all stages: Find profitable niches and products at any point in your selling journey.
  • Private label sellers: Source products effectively, calculate profit margins, and find reliable suppliers.
  • Arbitrageurs: Identify products that can be bought cheaper elsewhere and sold on Amazon for a profit.
  • Anyone seeking profitable business opportunities: Explore the potential of the Amazon marketplace and identify promising ideas beyond just product selling.

Overall, AMZScout offers a user-friendly and data-driven approach to Amazon product and niche research. Its free Chrome extension provides a valuable starting point, while paid plans unlock advanced features that can take your Amazon business to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or just starting out, AMZScout can be your valuable guide in navigating the vast Amazonian landscape.

As always, feel free to ask if you have any specific questions about AMZScout or need further guidance on your Amazon adventures!

5. Helium 10 ( Free Amazon Product Hunting Tools):

Helium 10 offers a suite of free amazon Product Hunting Tools and paid tools for Amazon sellers and product hunters. Their free “Black Box” tool helps you discover trending products based on keyword searches and market analysis. Use it to stay ahead of the curve and find products with high sales potential before they hit the mainstream.

What it does:

  • Comprehensive product research: Uncover profitable niches, identify winning products, and analyze competitor strategies with a suite of research tools like Black Box, Magnet, and Xray.
  • Keyword mastery: Discover high-volume, low-competition keywords to optimize your listings and drive targeted traffic with tools like Cerebro and Keyword Tracker.
  • Listing optimization: Craft compelling product descriptions, optimize titles and bullet points, and ensure top search rankings with Frankenstein and Scribbles.
  • Rank tracking and monitoring: Keep tabs on your product rankings, monitor competitor activity, and identify potential threats with Rank Tracker and Alerts .
  • Profitability analysis: Calculate potential profits, estimate fees, and make informed pricing decisions with Profitability Calculator and Follow-Up Emails.
  • FBA automation: Automate tedious tasks like inventory management, email follow-ups, and review requests with tools like Inventory Manager and Feedback Genius.

Helium 10: Your All-in-One Toolkit for Amazon Domination

Helium 10 is a true behemoth in the Amazon seller tool arena. Imagine a treasure chest overflowing with powerful tools, data insights, and automation features, all designed to propel your Amazon business to stratospheric heights. Let’s delve into what makes Helium 10 the ultimate weapon in your Amazon arsenal:

What it does:

  • Comprehensive product research: Uncover profitable niches, identify winning products, and analyze competitor strategies with a suite of research tools like Black Box, Magnet, and Xray.
  • Keyword mastery: Discover high-volume, low-competition keywords to optimize your listings and drive targeted traffic with tools like Cerebro and Keyword Tracker.
  • Listing optimization: Craft compelling product descriptions, optimize titles and bullet points, and ensure top search rankings with Frankenstein and Scribbles.
  • Rank tracking and monitoring: Keep tabs on your product rankings, monitor competitor activity, and identify potential threats with Rank Tracker and Alerts.
  • Profitability analysis: Calculate potential profits, estimate fees, and make informed pricing decisions with Profitability Calculator and Follow-Up Emails.
  • FBA automation: Automate tedious tasks like inventory management, email follow-ups, and review requests with tools like Inventory Manager and Feedback Genius.


Helium 10 Chrome extension: Access a wealth of data and functionalities directly on Amazon product pages.

Helium 10 web app: Dive deeper into analytics, manage campaigns, and automate tasks with the comprehensive web platform.

Helium 10 web app: Dive deeper into analytics, manage campaigns, and automate tasks with the comprehensive web platform.

Helium 10 Academy: Learn the ropes of Amazon selling with a library of comprehensive tutorials, courses, and webinars.

Helium 10 Academy: Learn the ropes of Amazon selling with a library of comprehensive tutorials, courses, and webinars.
  • Helium 10 Q&A community: Connect with other Helium 10 users, share experiences, and get expert advice in the active community forum.


  • Save time and resources: Automate repetitive tasks, streamline your workflow, and focus on strategic decisions.
  • Gain data-driven insights: Make informed choices based on comprehensive market research and competitor analysis.
  • Optimize your listings for success: Attract more traffic, improve conversions, and climb the Amazon search rankings.
  • Maximize your profits: Calculate margins effectively, set optimal pricing, and identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Build a thriving Amazon business: From product research to launch and beyond, Helium 10 provides the tools and support you need to succeed.


Helium 10 offers several subscription plans catering to different needs and budgets. The Starter plan provides access to essential tools like Chrome extension and Black Box, while the Platinum plan unlocks the full arsenal of functionalities and automation features.

Who should use Helium 10:

Helium 10 is ideal for:

  • Serious Amazon sellers: Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a rising star, Helium 10 empowers you to take your business to the next level.
  • Private label sellers: Find profitable products, source suppliers, and optimize your listings for maximum reach and sales.
  • Wholesale and arbitrage sellers: Uncover hidden opportunities, manage inventory efficiently, and automate tasks for a streamlined operation.
  • Anyone seeking an edge in the Amazon marketplace: From product research to launch and beyond, Helium 10 provides the comprehensive toolkit you need to dominate the competition.

Overall, Helium 10 is not just a tool; it’s a philosophy. It’s about approaching Amazon with data, strategy, and automation to achieve maximum success. While the investment might be higher compared to other tools, the sheer depth and breadth of its functionalities make it a powerful weapon for serious Amazon sellers. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Helium 10 can be your ultimate companion on your journey to Amazon mastery.

Remember, the best plan for you depends on your specific needs and budget. Explore the different options and choose the one that aligns with your goals and resources. And as always, feel free to ask if you have any questions about Helium 10 or your Amazon endeavors! I’m here to help you navigate the exciting world of online selling.

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